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Harrisburg Worker’s Compensation Lawyer > Lancaster Workers Comp Claim Lawyer

Lancaster Workers Comp Claim Lawyer

If you are an employee who has been injured on the job in Pennsylvania, you likely have a right to workers’ compensation benefits. All employers in the state are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance to make sure that employees are protected after a workplace injury. Filing a workers’ compensation claim is never easy, though. Below, our Lancaster workers comp claim lawyer explains the benefits you may be entitled to, and more.

What Benefits Does Workers Comp Provide?

If you are successful with your workers’ comp claim, you may be eligible for certain benefits including:

  • Lost wages, which is usually two-thirds of your wages although there are limits
  • All reasonable medical expenses associated with your work-related accident
  • Specific loss benefits if you have lost all or partial use of a body party, vision or hearing loss, or disfigurement
  • Death benefits to surviving loved ones if you do not survive the workplace accident

Things to Know About Workers Comp Claims in Lancaster

Contrary to what many people think, the government does not pay workers’ compensation benefits. Instead, it is the employer who bears the cost through their workers’ compensation insurance company. If the employer is large enough, they may self-insure, meaning they will pay your benefits without using insurance. Many large corporations and hospital chains are self-insured.

Workers’ compensation is also a no-fault system. This means that it does not matter if your employer caused the accident, or even if you contributed to it. You can still obtain benefits either way. The workers’ comp program also prohibits you from filing a lawsuit against your employer.

Who Can File a Workers Comp Claim?

Not everyone is eligible for workers’ compensation benefits in Lancaster. However, you may be eligible if the following apply:

  • You were hurt at your place of employment during work hours
  • If you were traveling as part of business such as if you were on the way to meet a client or you were running an errand for your boss
  • Your job requires you to work from home
  • If your job requires you to work in a specific location such as if you install equipment or make repairs at a different location than your employer
  • If you were hurt on company property, such as if you slipped on ice and fell while walking out to your vehicle at the end of the day

When are You Unable to File a Workers Comp Claim?

Just as there are many situations in which a person is eligible for workers’ comp, there are also instances when people are not. These include when:

  • You were not working at the time of the accident
  • You were under the influence of alcohol or drugs while at work
  • You were driving to work, or home from work
  • You were fighting or engaging in horseplay while at work
  • You were hurt offsite during a break

Our Workers Comp Claims Lawyer in Lancaster Can Provide Sound Legal Advice

It is not always easy to determine if you are eligible to file a workers’ comp claim. At Ira H. Weinstock, P.C., our Lancaster workers comp claim lawyer can advise on your eligibility and help you obtain the full benefits you deserve. Call us today at 717-238-1657 or contact us online to request a free consultation.

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