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  • For Your Workers’ Compensation, Personal Injury Case
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Ladder Accidents A Common Cause Of Worker’s Compensation Injuries In Harrisburg


Ladder accidents pose major risks to people from a variety of different types of professions. They are particularly common in the construction industry and can leave workers suffering severe and potentially life-threatening personal injuries. Our Harrisburg workers’ compensation lawyer explains more about the risks, how to protect yourself, and your rights in filing a claim.

March Is National Ladder Safety Month

March is designated as National Ladder Safety Month. It focuses attention on one of the most common causes of work-related injuries. Ladder accidents can happen to retail and grocery store workers, restaurant employees, interior designers and decorators, utility crews, fire or other emergency service personnel, and people in manufacturing or other types of industries. However, they are particularly common in the construction field.

According to the American Ladder Institute (ALI), more than 500,000 people suffer serious personal injuries due to ladder-related accidents each year. They result in more than 300 deaths and cost more than $24 billion in medical expenses, missed work, and other losses. Common ways that ladder accidents in Harrisburg can happen include:

  • Falls from heights due to loss of balance or defective and improperly mounted ladders;
  • Missing steps or rungs while climbing up and down;
  • Not using the properly sized ladder and overreaching as a result.

Tips To Prevent Ladder Accidents In Harrisburg

Ladder accidents are one of the leading causes of injuries among workers and are particularly common in the construction industry. To protect yourself and others on the job, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recommends following these tips:

  • Use the right ladder for each task: Make sure the ladder you are using can handle the required weight and is tall enough to allow you to easily reach workplaces.
  • Secure it properly: The ladder should be properly secured both at the base and in any areas where it will be extended.
  • Make sure it is stable: Double-check to ensure the ground is level and the ladder is stable before stepping onto it.
  • Wear proper footwear: Non-slip shoes are a must when working on a ladder or performing other job-related tasks.
  • Maintain three points of contact at all times: Whether climbing up or down, you should have both hands and at least one foot on the ladder at all times.

Unfortunately, and despite taking these precautions, ladder accidents in Harrisburg can still happen. When they do, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits through the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry.

Our Harrisburg Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Helps You Get The Benefits You Are Entitled To

Ladder accidents can result in broken bones, torn muscles, and potentially disabling injuries to the head, back, neck, or spinal column. At Ira H. Weinstock, P.C., we help you get the benefits you need to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and other costs. To avoid denials or delays in filing a claim, reach out and call or contact us online and request a consultation with our Harrisburg workers’ compensation lawyer today.


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