Five Things You Need To Know About Filing For Social Security Disability In Harrisburg

A long-term disability is one that is expected to prevent you from working for a year or longer. This can happen due to accidental injuries, sudden illnesses, or as a result of heart disease, diabetes, or other chronic health conditions.
Unfortunately, the impact of being unable to work can be devastating for your family. In this situation, the Social Security disability insurance (SSDI) program may be able to help. Our experienced Harrisburg Social Security disability lawyer explains your rights to benefits and five things you need to know about filing a claim.
Obtaining Social Security Disability Benefits in Harrisburg
The Social Security Administration (SSA) provides disability benefits for people who suffer from injuries, illnesses, or chronic health conditions that prevent them from working on a long-term basis. These benefits can provide a steady source of income and help protect the financial security of your family.
Unfortunately, filing a claim and getting your disability benefits approved is never easy and can be a complex and confusing process. Our Harrisburg Social Security disability lawyer states that the following are five things you need to be aware of:
- Your condition must fall under the SSA ‘Listing Of Impairments’
In order to qualify for long-term disability benefits through the SSA, you must be unable to work due to a condition that falls under its listing of impairments. This is a comprehensive list that covers each major body system and has strict guidelines for what can be considered disabling.
- You must have earned the required work credits.
To get disability benefits in Harrisburg through the SSA, you must also have earned the required 40 work credits. You can earn up to four credits per year, with at least ten earned within the last ten years.
- You must complete a 15-page Adult Disability Report, answering a variety of questions about your condition.
It is strongly recommended that you get legal help when completing your Adult Disability Report. Your answers to these questions can end up being used against you to deny or delay your claim.
- You must have medical records to support your claim.
When applying for disability benefits, it is important to have a firm diagnosis from your doctor and medical records showing treatment, medication, and other therapies provided over the years.
- Two-thirds of all Social Security disability claims are denied.
Even if you meet all required criteria and submit the appropriate documents, your Social Security disability claim could still be denied. This happens to over two-thirds of all claims. However, many of these are eventually approved on appeal.
Request A Consultation With Our Harrisburg Social Security Disability Lawyer
Social Security disability benefits provide a safety net when you are unable to work. To get your claim approved in the quickest and most efficient manner possible, request a consultation with Ira H. Weinstock, P.C. Call or contact our office online today.