Distracted Driving: Raising Awareness Of The Risks To Motorists And Truckers

Being able to juggle multiple things at once is generally considered a good quality. However, it can be extremely dangerous when you are behind the wheel. Distracted driving is a common cause of truck and car accidents in Harrisburg. Find out more about the dangers and how to reduce your risks.
April Was Distracted Driving Awareness Month
Each year during April, National Distracted Driving Awareness Month calls attention to the importance of staying vigilant behind the wheel. Driving is a complex task that requires your complete attention and focusing on anything else at the same time could put you, your passengers, and other motorists at risk.
According to the National Safety Council (NSC), distracted driving claims the lives of roughly eight people per day in the U.S., while leaving hundreds of others with potentially serious personal injuries. There are generally three kinds of driving distractions:
- Physical distractions, causing you to remove one or both hands from the steering wheel;
- Visual distractions, causing you to look elsewhere, rather than at the road ahead;
- Cognitive distractions, which divert your attention from the road and what is going on around you.
Texting and talking on cell phones are among the most common distracted driving behaviors and among the most dangerous, as they involve all three types of distractions. Under the Pennsylvania Statutes, using any type of interactive wireless communications device is illegal. However, there are other things that could divert your attention and endanger you and others on the road. These include changing car stereo or GPS settings, adjusting your seat, adjusting your appearance in the rearview mirror, eating or drinking, and reaching for items beside you or in the backseat.
Preventing Distracted Driving Car And Truck Accidents In Harrisburg
Distracted driving is not only dangerous for motorists. It is a common hazard among truckers as well. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), distracted driving plays a contributing role in roughly 70 percent of all truck accidents. To reduce the risks, both truckers and motorists should follow these tips:
- Set your cell phone to silent when you get in your vehicle;
- If you need to check it, send a text, or review emails, pull over at a safe location to do so;
- Pull over if you want something to eat or drink as well;
- Adjust GPS settings before you go;
- Make sure children or passengers are attended to prior to your trip;
- Avoid being distracted by billboards, passing scenery, or other items outside your vehicle.
Injured In A Crash? Contact Our Harrisburg Distracted Driving Accident Lawyer
If you are injured in a truck or car accident and suspect distracted driving was to blame, reach out to Ira H. Weinstock, P.C. While these can be difficult cases to prove, you can count on us to provide the professional legal representation you need to get compensation. Call our Harrisburg car accident lawyer or contact us online and request a consultation today.