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Category Archives: Personal Injury


Traumatic Brain Injuries In Harrisburg: Common Causes And Your Rights To Compensation

By Ira H. Weinstock, P.C. |

March is Brain Injury Awareness Month. The Brain Injury Association of America says the aim is to shed light on the often life-altering impact of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and the resources available to help. Traumatic brain injuries in Harrisburg can happen due to different types of accidents, leaving victims suffering devastating physical, emotional,… Read More »

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Winter Slip and Fall Accidents in Harrisburg: How You Can Protect Your Rights In A Premises Liability Claim

By Ira H. Weinstock, P.C. |

Snow, ice, and other wintry weather conditions significantly increase the likelihood of slips and falls in Harrisburg. Sidewalks and parking lots pose obvious risks, but serious injuries can happen due to falls in shopping malls, grocery stores, restaurants, office buildings, and other public spaces. Under the Pennsylvania Statutes, property owners have a legal duty… Read More »

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Premises Liability: Holding Property Owners Liable For Personal Injuries In Harrisburg

By Ira H. Weinstock, P.C. |

Slips and falls, getting struck by or against objects, and other types of accidents can happen when out shopping, dining, running errands, and engaging in other activities or when visiting others in these homes. Unfortunately, these could leave you suffering serious personal injuries in Harrisburg. Even injuries that appear minor at first could cause… Read More »

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How Switching To Daylight Saving Time Can Increase Personal Injury Risks In Harrisburg

By Ira H. Weinstock, P.C. |

After a long, cold winter, Harrisburg residents eagerly look forward to spring. In addition to warmer weather, this means an increase in daylight hours. The days naturally get longer at this time of year, but setting our clocks ahead an hour helps to delay sunset even further. While making the switch to Daylight Saving… Read More »

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Pennsylvania Legislators to Strengthen Boating Under the Influence (BUI) Laws

By Ira H. Weinstock, P.C. |

Intoxication is still one of the leading factors in fatal boating accidents in Pennsylvania and all across the country. This was the finding in “2019 Recreational Boating Statistics” published by the U.S. Coast Guard. Lawmakers in Pennsylvania are aimed at curbing fatal boat accidents involving the use of alcohol by strengthening the state’s boating… Read More »

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Pennsylvania Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Personal Injury Case Involving UM/UIM Claim and Statute of Limitations

By Ira H. Weinstock, P.C. |

In a previous article we discussed Uninsured (UM) and Underinsured (UIM) Motorist Coverage.  Claims for these types of benefits are very common, especially during hard economic times when people attempt to save money by reducing their auto insurance coverage.  You should be aware however, that if you make a claim for UM or UIM… Read More »

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What Auto Insurance Coverage Do You Need in Pennsylvania?

By Ira H. Weinstock, P.C. |

The Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Financial Responsibility Law requires, as a driver in Pennsylvania, that your vehicle have at least the minimum amounts of coverage while it is on the road. If you are caught without auto insurance, you may be fined as much as $300, and your driver’s license, registration, and license plate could… Read More »

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The Dangers of Limited Tort

By Ira H. Weinstock, P.C. |

In 1990, Pennsylvania changed the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Financial Responsibility Law (MVFRL) to allow auto insurers to offer “limited tort” policies. These limited tort policies offered consumers the “opportunity” to get lower auto insurance premiums in return for the consumer’s consent to limit their rights to sue in case they were injured in an… Read More »

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What Information Do You Need to Provide to Your Doctor When You’re Injured At Work

By Ira H. Weinstock, P.C. |

When an injured worker files a Pennsylvania workers compensation claim, the injured worker has the burden of presenting unequivocal medical evidence to establish that an injury occurred that it is causally connected to the injured worker’s employment when the injury is not “obvious.” In most cases, the Employer will have their own doctor who… Read More »

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How Personal Injury and Workers Compensation Can Work Together

By Ira H. Weinstock, P.C. |

  Work related injuries are common, however, many injured workers don’t know that they may have options other than Pennsylvania Workers Compensation when trying to protect their economic loss and livelihood. In Pennsylvania, an injured worker’s employer is generally immune from a traditional civil lawsuit since the law requires the employer to maintain no… Read More »

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