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  • For Your Workers’ Compensation, Personal Injury Case
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Carlisle Workers Comp Hearings Lawyer

After being hurt on the job or contracting an occupational illness, your employer and their insurance company may accept your claim and pay the benefits you deserve. Unfortunately, in most cases, things do not go that smoothly. In order to obtain the benefits you need, a Carlisle workers comp hearings lawyer will have to get involved to help you through the process. Below, our experienced attorney explains the process and how you can secure the benefits that are justly yours.

Filing a Claim Petition

The first step in obtaining the benefits you need is working with a Carlisle workers’ comp hearings lawyer. A lawyer will file a Claim Petition, along with any other petitions or documents necessary in your case. Claim Petitions are filed electronically with the Pennsylvania Bureau of Workers’ Compensation. A workers’ compensation judge will then be assigned to your case. After a judge is assigned, their office will issue a Notice of Assignment and then mail you a Notice of Hearing.

What Will Happen at the First Hearing?

While every judge proceeds slightly differently during a hearing, there are some similarities in all cases. Evidence is always submitted including medical documents and eyewitness testimony. For example, co-workers who were there during the accident may testify as to what happened and how you incurred injuries. Your case can settle at any time during the first hearing, or afterwards. If you cannot settle your case, the workers’ compensation judge will make a decision and more or less, that decision is final.

Will I Have to Testify at the Hearing?

In most cases, injured employees do have to testify at the first hearing. You will have to explain to the court your employment position and the duties you are responsible for. You will also have to explain the medical treatment you have received, the symptoms you have or are currently experiencing, and how the injury has affected your ability to work and perform simple daily tasks. A court reporter will be present to record your testimony, as well as the testimony of anyone else who testifies.

How Long Does a Workers’ Comp Hearing Take?

Many workers’ compensation judges take a ‘one day trial’ approach to hearings. In these cases, depositions are taken beforehand from medical experts and other pertinent individuals in your case, and documents are also gathered prior to the hearing. All of these are submitted to the judge who will review them when making their decision. Most hearings only last for one day but if your case is very complicated, it can take several days.

Our Workers Comp Hearings Lawyer in Carlisle Can Help You Prepare

Preparing for a workers’ comp hearing can be a stressful and intimidating experience. At Ira H. Weinstock, P.C., our Carlisle workers comp hearings lawyer can remove much of the stress and ensure you are fully prepared so you have the best chance of a positive outcome. Call us now at 717-238-1657 or contact us online to schedule a free case evaluation and to get the legal help you need.

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