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Harrisburg Worker’s Compensation Lawyer > Blog > Car Accidents > 100 Deadliest Days Of Summer Focuses On Reducing Harrisburg Teen Car Accident Risks

100 Deadliest Days Of Summer Focuses On Reducing Harrisburg Teen Car Accident Risks


For teens, summer provides more time for part-time jobs, hanging out with friends, and other activities. Having a driver’s license gives them the freedom to go when and where they want, but carries a heavy responsibility. Reckless driving on their part increases Harrisburg car accident risks.

Traffic safety officials refer to the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day as the ‘100 Deadliest Days of Summer’. This is the time of year when serious, potentially fatal teen car accidents are most likely to happen. Our Harrisburg car accident lawyer explains more about the risks and ways to keep teens and motorists they encounter safe.

What Makes Teen Drivers So Dangerous Behind The Wheel?

Motorists are often unaware of the serious risks teen drivers pose to themselves and others on local streets. The American Automobile Association (AAA) warns that teens are the age group most likely to be involved in crashes. They are also among those most likely to be involved in fatal accidents, which endanger the lives of them, their passengers, and others on the road.

A basic lack of experience behind the wheel is one of the factors that make teen drivers so dangerous. They are less likely than older adults to respond appropriately to emergency situations and unexpected changes in traffic, weather, or road surfaces. Teens are also still developing and tend to be less mature than other motorists. This makes them more likely to engage in dangerous driving behaviors, such as the following:

  • Speeding;
  • Racing friends or other motorists;
  • Running red lights and stop signs;
  • Getting distracted by taking pictures, posting on social media, or texting;
  • Driving under the influence, which includes both alcohol and illegal drugs.

Reducing Teen Car Accidents In Harrisburg

The ‘100 Deadliest Days of Summer’ is a traffic safety program that seeks to raise awareness of the dangers teen drivers pose to themselves and others on the road. Being aware of the risks can potentially prevent teen car accidents in Harrisburg from happening.

Parents, grandparents, and other trusted adults play a major role in influencing teens and should model safe driving behavior. Other ways to reduce the risks include:

  • Require teens and their passengers to wear a seat belt at all times;
  • Insist they keep their cellphone out of reach and disable notifications during trips;
  • Remind them of the rules of the road and restrict their driving privileges if they get a ticket;
  • Caution them against driving under the influence or getting into a vehicle where the driver is impaired.

Request A Consultation With Our Harrisburg Car Accident Lawyer

Car accidents in Harrisburg pose serious risks. Crashes involving teen drivers can cause devastating injuries to them and others on the road. If you or someone you love is hurt, contact Ira H. Weinstock, P.C. We provide the trusted, local legal representation you need to get compensation. Request a consultation with our Harrisburg car accident lawyer today.



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